Sunday Homilies
Illumined By Your Word and Sacrament
Almighty God…Grant that your people, illumined by your word and sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s love… your people, illumined, enlightened, awoken, disturbed, shaken from their apathy and complicity, by your word and sacraments! On the eve of the...
I Need to be Baptized by You!
The season of Epiphany is about the manifestation and emergence of the life of Jesus in the world in which he lived. What does it mean to be made manifest? What does it mean to emerge? I think it is about a life, about our life, rising up in this...
Wonderfully Restoring the Dignity of Human Nature
Second Sunday after Christmas:January 5, 2020 12th Day of Christmas It is my last chance to talk about Christmas, and its meaning amidst the annual sacred journey of the church. In this morning’s collect we pray, O God, who wonderfully created, and yet more...
So This Is Christmas…
What is the meaning of Christmas? Charlie Brown cried out lamenting the fuss and commercialization that he saw all around him. And so, Linus, recites to Charlie Brown the Nativity narrative from the Gospel of Luke, like we just heard it read a moment ago. With...
The Holy Family
Advent 4 Now the birth of Jesus, the Messiah took place in this way… the way of family, of trust and risk, and promise and compassion. Our savior, our redemption, our gift from God, required us, the holy family, to say yes. To embrace and protect, to...
Advent 3, 2019 God Has Lifted the Lowly
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be, And in my hour of darkness there is a still light that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, Let it Be When this divine story was being imagined in the invisible...
Saint Andrew
Episcopal Church
(765) 457-2075
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM